For her actual birthday we all spent some quality time at home and we gave Molly her first cupcake to destroy/eat. Molly had been having some ear issues since early December and since the last infection had not cleared the doctor decided it was time for tubes. So, the following Thursday morning I took Molly into Children's Hospital to have her ear tubes put in. The procedure was very quick but she had to be out so that was a bit stressful. For about an hour after the surgery Molly was kind of irritable but after that she was so happy. We noticed that she was quickly able to walk better and her speech was more clear. Grandma Cindy and Grandpa Paul came into town that night and watched her the following day, Molly showed them all around Bellevue Square and Masin's Furniture.
Grandma Nancy, Larry and Great Grandma Evelyn cam in the next evening for the big birthday party. Molly had a wonderful party and got many gifts to keep her busy. A lot of family attending which was wonderful!
It is tough to believe that a whole year has gone by! Molly is trying to walk and has learned a few new words recently (she can say doggy, daddy, Julie, uh-oh and on occasion mama). Molly LOVES her dolls and her kid sized armchair. Basically she is completely amazing and the best thing to happen to her parents!
Here are a few recent pictures:

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