So it has been awhile, between Molly, work and company Jake and I have been VERY busy.
Molly is now over 14 pounds and 24+ inches long. She is rolling over like a trooper and even scooting a bit! Recently, we noticed she can sit up very well if she has a bit of assistance from a boppy pillow or a person. I am sure that before we know it she will be roaming around the house and we will have to get all childproofed. We bought Molly a bouncy seat play station and she LOVES it.
This summer has treated us well so far, though the last week or so has been pretty hot. We made it back to Idaho for the fourth of July and had a great time. In just a couple weeks Molly will be on her first plane flight with Mom and Aunt Jeanne to grandma and grandpa's house for a few days.
As I mentioned, we have had company fairly frequently this summer which has been a lot of fun. At the end of May we had Jake's Uncle Wally and Aunt Gerry as well as his grandma Evelyn here to visit. It was nice to see them and have them spend some time with Molly. In June our friends Ben and Shannon came for a weekend and we had a great time. Shannon and Ben are expecting their first child (a girl) in October so we look forward to meeting their new addition soon! We also spent about three weeks with Jake's sister Jessica and her husband Dan. Jessica is also pregnant and due in early December. In a couple short weeks we will find the gender of their little one, we are very excited. I am sure the new addition will make the time we spend with them each year even more exciting! Grandma Cindy and Grandpa Paul have also visited a couple times this summer and taken Molly to a couple Mariners games. It is nice to have them visit so they can see Miss Molly as she grows.
Jake and I are doing well. Jake has been staying busy with work and has not gotten as much biking in as he would like. It was nice that he could get some riding in while Dan and Jessica were in town since I know he enjoys riding with him. With some help from Uncle Wally, we took out a few trees in our front yard and now just have some general upkeep and a bit of brick work to finish in the back. We are also trying to pick out new house colors so that we can get it painted this summer. I made it through my first year end at Microsoft as a mom! It was a bit challenging to handle the year end and still keep up with Molly. I managed to make it to daycare pretty much everyday at lunchtime but Jake had to lend a hand with the drop off and pick ups on a few days. I am thinking of training for a late September triathlon to get me motivated to get back in shape... we will see how that goes. I think we will be heading to Mexico in late October for some R&R.

Despite the heat Molly continues to sleep pretty well (knock on wood).

Ben and Molly at chow time.
Bouncing around